Thursday, April 05, 2012


Apa kabar dy? Hmmmm... sulit menjawab, terlalu banyak peristiwa. 
I have my good days and bad ones in this beloved messed-up corrupted beautiful country. But those don't matter much right now. Buatku peristiwa terbesar adalah kelahiran adik Damian: Fabian. Rasanya tahun ini disimpulkan oleh manusia mungil nan gembil, who's taking the biggest space and time of me. Berjuta ibu mengalami hal yang sama, so i won't brag about motherhood, sleepless nights, etc. Find it in some mommies forum instead. 
I miss some 'me time', but realize this Fabian time won't come again twice. So I just go along and enjoy it. There's always time for everything. Oh, and I miss writing. I miss my own thoughts. And pour them out on poetic words....(silence).... I do hope I'd be able to do this again. Soon. Really, apa kabar dy? Oh... kabar saya, detik ini: bahagia.
as of Nov 12, 2011. 11:53am

2 drops:

Merlyna said...

congrats Dy. happy for the existence of Fabian. cannot wait to meet the fabulous Fab!

enjoy the unme-time :)

dy said...

Thanks Mer! Fully enjoying unme time with Fab :)