Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Things went fast these days. I don't really have time to sit and think of what to write [oops, enough time to just sit and relax for sure]. We celebrated Damian's birthday two weeks ago, well we called it makan-makan actually. It felt like so many people coming since our apartment isn't that big but it was fun though, seeing these kids running around and the adults enjoying the foods we'd prepared [love to cook, love Indonesian food!]. We'll move to another apartment in Charles Village next month, so I'd been looking around some apartments that eventually made us back to the first choice.

We went to Baltimore Book Festival last week, two days in a row, where we could get good bargain books (if not for free!). There was a tent for children where we accidently attended a money saving presentation for kids and Damian brought home a cute piggy bank afterwards. The lady really knew how to teach about money to kids and it amazed me when some of them, age 4-6, already knew that saving in a bank is better cause they can get interests! Last but not least, I've listed some new beaded jewelries I made on ebay which lead to not-as-expected sale since there are too many sellers. I haven't thought seriously of selling it other way though, it's still a spare-time hobby for me.

Anyway, I just add some links of new pictures of our summer time [sadly, our trip pics on New York and Washington DC all gone with the old laptop] here: Summer 2004
Damian's birthday pics here: Damian Bday
and Thanks to everybody who'd come: Hilman-Rina-Raka, Gunar-Ndew-Dhika-Ndew's Mom, Riko, Arti, Rizky, Daisy, Kurnia-Betty-Mesakh-Sadrakh, Haris-Leli-Diva-Baheera-Leli's Mom, and Nicky Lubis who'd taken beautiful pics here: Damian Bday in BW
Check out my other Spark of Stones project here: Spark of Stones - 1+2
[As usual, you can find all the links at the sidebar!]

So, that's all for now. Welcome lovely autumn...

5 drops:

neenoy said...

mo pindahan dy? wah repot gak tuh...

neenoy said...

hehehe... belum ada postingnya, udah liat aja...
pake beads dan wire, repot dy. tapi emang jadi tambah lucu sih...

btw, sekarang bikin gelang juga yah?

dy said...

Iya Noy, repot... tapi nggak jauh2 kok pindahnya.

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